Keeping Your Pet Healthy And Happy with Slim Paws!

“Canine obesity is a problem facing a multitude of dogs in America and it may be dramatically reducing their lifespan. Two and a Half years is the average lifespan decrease for pets that are overweight or obese. ”
Sixty-seven percent of U.S. households, or about 85 million families, own a pet, according to the 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). This is up from 56 percent of U.S. households in 1988, the first year the survey was conducted.
It goes without saying that if you are a Pet Owner, you love them and consider them to be a part of the family! I know in our family, that is very true! Since we rescued our 98 pound American Bulldog, he has become an integral part of the Lands family. His name is Chuy!
Along with all of the joys of owning a pet, there is also a lot of care & responsibility required! No different than with our own (human) health, it is really important to be informed about relevant health topics and the best ways that we can stay on top of our pets health game!
While Chuy has a large backyard to play in, he also gets his daily walk! But we started wondering if we were doing the best that we could be when it came to his weight and health!
As the number of overweight and obese Americans continues to grow -- now at 68 percent of the population – the incidence of obesity in our furry family members also is a growing concern. The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates 35 percent of our pets are overweight or obese. For our pets, just like us, that means a high price to pay in health and quality of life.
I started looking into Insulin resistance in animals and ways we can prevent this! So when I came Across Slim Paws, I was very pleased at the very specific ingredients and health benefits that this Pet Weight loss brand offered!
So if you're like me, you immediately start reading the back of the packages and questioning all the ingredients! Thankfully the folks at Slim Paws were willing to provide us with some really insightful breakdowns of their products! When reviewing packaging, I saw that the main proprietary blend is: leucine and pyridoxine. Initially reading these things, they didn’t sound like anything natural... but they actually are!
LEUCINE: Leucine is an essential amino acid used in the liver, fat tissue, and muscle tissue. Leucine is also suspected to be the only amino acid that can stimulate muscle growth and can also help prevent the deterioration of muscle with age.
PYRIDOXINE: Pyridoxine is vitamin B6. Vitamins occur naturally in foods such as meat, poultry, nuts, whole grains, bananas, and avocados. Vitamin B6 is important for many processes in the body. Pyridoxine is used to treat or prevent vitamin B6 deficiency. It is also used to treat a certain type of anemia (lack of red blood cells).
I also had the opportunity to sit down with the Slim Paws team! I have included some highlights from my time with the team!
Ashley: What exactly are the Slim Paws Weight Loss Chews?
SP: We developed the Slim Paws Weight Loss Chews, as a once-a-day supplement. The weight loss chews include the Fat Fighter Blend, a scientifically proven ingredient that stops conversion of food to fat, promotes lean muscle mass and improves metabolism in dogs. However, we felt it wasn’t enough to give pet parents a once-a-day supplement so we developed supporting treat options.
Ashley: What is so special about our Slim Paws Treats?
SP: We decided to develop Slim Paws Fit Treats, healthy treat options that support the weight loss journey in overweight or obese dogs. We know low calorie treats already exist, but it isn’t enough, obesity continues to plague our pets and compromise their quality of life and shorten their life spans. We took heathy snacks a step further and included a fitness blend in our delicious healthy treats that support weight loss and overall wellness in dogs.
“ Slim Paws provides a solution to help pet parents get to a healthy weight so they too can have 2.5 more years of sharing life with their 4 legged family member. We aren’t saying Slim Paws is a magic pill that will give your dog a longer life, but we are saying that Canine Obesity is a problem and that Slim Paws wants to help!”
Coupon: slimpaws25
“The entirety of Slim Paws is all natural! The Leucine and Pyridoxine are natural and we even use apple pectine to give it the gummy texture it has. The Slim Paws team is dedicated to overall canine health and we would never sacrifice a dogs health to save on ingredients.
We use all natural ingredients to promote over all canine wellness and we refuse to compromise on that fact!
Leucine and pyridoxine when used together at the specific ratio in the fat fighter blend provides a synergistic effect in optimizing weight loss in dogs. This is the science in which four of our patents were developed around. ”
The Slim Paws team suggests to optimize pet’s weight loss by walking your dog at least 15 minutes a day in combination with the weight loss chew given 1X per day.
We started Chuy on Slim Paws daily chews August 1, 2020!
By adding 1 Slim Paws chew in the morning, along with Chuy’s daily 38 minute walk. We are noticing significant improvement in his daily walk habits!
Like many dogs, he is always SO excited at the beginning of his walk. But as the walk progressed, Chuy seemed to be very fatigued. Furthermore, he seemed very sluggish and out of breath after we returned back to the house!
Since starting Chuy on 1 Slim Paw a day (in the morning), we are noticing so much improvement in his daily walk habits and overall energy!
Slim Paws is a Tevra Brands product with exclusive rights to the Fat Fighter Blend that NuSirt BioPharma® developed, patented, and studied. Tevra is a company that has decades of collective pet industry experience and NuSirt BioPharma is on the cutting edge weight loss science that targets the sirt enzyme profile helping pets lose weight without making major lifestyle changes. Tevra and NuSirt have joined forces to help pet parents fight the growing epidemic of canine obesity. Pet obesity is a serious health issue with many associated health issues that result in shortened life spans of our canine companions. Tevra Brands recognizes that 56% of dogs are overweight or obese, and we want to help reverse that trend. The Fat Fighter Blend inside the Slim Paws Chew provides an effective, safe, and natural weight loss solution helping dogs go from fat to fit!
Photography by Stuff Oui Love Photographer: Vicki Lands.
Founder of: Oui Love Photography.

Globally, the platform has over 55,000 subscribers. Founded by Ashley M Lands and Victoria Potteri- Lands in New York City.