Sharing Authentic Stories in a vastly digital world

Ashley M Lands

Model _Ashley_M_Lands

ashley m lands - e online

Ashley M. Lands is an entrepreneur with a passion for real estate, marketing, and travel. As co-founder of Provincial Leisure, a travel platform with over 1 million monthly readers, she has guided marketing efforts for luxury hotels and fashion brands. She also developed The Mosaic Method, a creative marketing strategy focused on genuine connection. Now, alongside her best friend, international designer Leah Wolf, Ashley is immersed in a real estate venture, renovating medieval properties in Italy.

Read interviews with Ashley M. Lands here:

How does a successful, strong, and powerful woman navigate work, employee relationships, love, and life in a world that still feels uncomfortable with strong women? In this interview series, called “Power Women” we are talking to accomplished women leaders who share their stories and experiences navigating work, love and life as a powerful woman.

As a part of this series I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Ashley Lands.

Ashley Lands is the CEO of a digital marketing company in New York City, she also founded a lifestyle and travel website with over 55,000 subscribers. Ashley enjoys spending time with her family and her significant other, an anesthesiologist at Mount Sinai Hospital. Meanwhile, Ashley has been suffering from chronic, undiagnosed illnesses for more than three years. During today’s interview, we will discuss how she’s been able to successfully navigate work, love, and life in spite of all of these obstacles along the way!

Ashley Lands - chronic - illness - survivor (image text reads)

“Accessible Environments Are Essential: Accessibility is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity. Creating environments that accommodate various physical abilities ensures equal participation and contributes to a more inclusive society.”

“ AI is brilliant for automating tasks, giving us time to focus on bigger things. But when authenticity is at stake — whether it’s in brand voice or storytelling — humans win every time. Authenticity comes from lived experiences, not algorithms.”

- Ashley Lands

MTV: Double Shot At Love


“Start the Process. It doesn’t have to be perfect. What it evolves to within two years is not what it will be when you start. The perfect moment will never find you. You have to start somewhere, and you should definitely start now.”

Big Picture. When you post on social media, are you looking to entertain, educate, inspire, or convert people? If you are not sure, I recommend you simply highlight that sentence above and read the thousands of articles offered about it! Pinterest is my go-to when it comes to getting my head organized. Visualizing is key.

Apart of my series about “How To Create A Travel Experience That Keeps People Coming Back For More”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Ashley M Lands.

Today, we sat down with founder Ashley M Lands to discuss her recent move to Italy.

Entrepreneur (Ashley M Lands) is the brains behind the highly successful New York City-based travel platform (Provincial Leisure). Province Leisure publishes illustrated articles and guides for hotels, restaurants, Airbnbs, and unique experiences. Over 55,000 email subscribers and numerous distribution channels allow articles to reach up to (1.2 million readers monthly).

Relocating a successful business from New York City to the Italian countryside may seem like an odd way to deliver an exclusive customer service experience. However, that’s just what the Provincial Leisure team has done to create and partner in tourism experiences like no other.

More Interviews with Ashley



MTV: Premier episode of Double Shot At Love

MTV: Premier episode of Double Shot At Love


Recent Interviews and features with Ashley M Lands